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Planning a homeschool year has never been easier with our Put Your Homeschool Year on Autopilot Course.


Put Your Homeschool Year on Autopilot will help you...

  • Adapt any curriculum, activity or idea to your children’s strengths and weaknesses to create a truly customized educational experience for your children
  • Position your homeschool for success while having the flexibility to roll with the uncertainty that life can throw your way
  • Eliminate the distractions that currently rob you of your productivity and joy because you’ll know exactly what YOUR family needs
  • Experience newfound confidence in your role as educator of your children without the nagging doubts, anxiety and second-guessing

Before Autopilot, I struggled to see the big picture and to have a consistent record of goals and progress from year to year.

Although I was attracted to the clear process and the plethora of forms, I didn’t expect the clarity and a new way of looking at homeschool planning.

I had been homeschooling for a long time (I had graduated my first, who homeschooled K-12) before I used Autopilot.

As I went through the steps I was both refreshed and excited to learn Pam’s perspective on planning and implement a simple, but thorough planning process.

I love to see how we accomplish our goals from year to year, and how there are some that we are still plugging away at. One of the things about Autopilot that I love best is seeing where we’ve been in the past so that I can see our progress – seeing the forest for the homeschool trees, in a sense. I love the consistency of planning in the same way from year to year. I refer to my yearly calendar weekly throughout the school year.
Heather Finley


Immediate Access to the Course

The step-by-step video-course gets to the nitty-gritty of ONLY the steps you need to create a flexible framework for your homeschool year. It's the quickest way to create a plan that waits for you while you tackle whatever life throws your way and never feel behind.

Module #1

Create a homeschool vision

In this module, you will create a statement of intent for your homeschool. Here we aren’t looking at what we want our kids to be in 20 years (as if we had control over that) but instead what we want our homeschools to feel like in the day-to-day. By creating a vision of our days, we can direct our choices and actions in this course and in our homeschools.

In this module you will:

  • Discover the number one mistake people make with writing a vision and why it will doom your vision statement to an unused portion of your teacher notebook.
  • Learn the single biggest influencer of your homeschool and why you have complete control over it. (Hint: look in the mirror)
    Learn how to stop piling on and saying “yes” to things that don’t fit your family.
  • Get confident about what matters most to you (and eliminate second-guessing from your homeschool mom vocabulary).

Module #2

Write goals for your kids

While our vision is the 10,000 ft view of our homeschool, module 2 gets specific about meeting the needs of each child by crafting goals for their school year. You will learn how to use these goals to easily tailor a plan to meet their educational and developmental needs.

In this module you will:

  • Create a custom plan for your child that will honor their strengths and interests.
  • Uncover the secret that will reduce or eliminate wasted money on curriculum hopping.
  • Discover the skills to writing effective goals that help instead of hinder your homeschool progress.
  • Learn why pushing to finish first-grade book in first grade is a mistake that can sabotage your child’s education.

Module #3

Choosing curriculum and resources

After our vision and goals are in place, it’s time for the sometimes daunting, sometimes fun process of choosing curriculum and resources for our school year. This module breaks down the how to do that with confidence.

In this module you will:

  • See examples of how your vision translates directly into what goes onto your course of study.
  • Break down the factors that influence your choices and why each one matters (or doesn’t).
  • Learn the difference between the two types of school subjects and why that knowledge is vital to your sanity as a homeschooling mom.
  • Discover the four key questions you need to ask about every resource before pushing the “buy” button.

Module #4

Choosing an annual schedule

Now that our curriculum is on the way, we get to dive into how we are going to use it. The first stop is to plan out which days of the year we are going to do school. This module is all about embracing our options as homeschoolers.

In this module you will:

  • Learn about three different kinds of school schedules and why the one you grew up using might not be the best for your family.
  • Discover how the patterns of your school year can make or break your homeschooling success.
  • Learn my secret sauce for staying on-track with your required number of school days while embracing the flexibility of homeschooling.
  • See video examples of multiple schedule-types and patterns — so you can learn how to create your own with no stress.

Module #5

Create a weekly and daily schedule

Flexibility is the keyword as we set up systems that will allow us to thrive within structure. In module five we will set aside time that honors our school day and create a daily rhythm that fosters peace in our homes.

In this module you will:

  • Learn how to detect schedule overwhelm before it hits and strategize to reduce it before you even get your school year started.
  • Discover three different styles of scheduling and which one (or combination of more than one — say what?!!) fits your family the best.
  • See examples of each schedule type to inspire your own choices.
  • Learn my favorite method that insures I am never “behind” in my school year — no matter what life throws my way.

Module #6

The Procedure List

Next, Module 6 introduces the first of two different kinds of lists that we will use to create the ultimate in auto-pilot for our school days. The procedure list is the key to creating a plan that eliminates decision fatigue and gets done – even if the toddler is designing the walls with sharpie or stuffing the drains with legos – again.

In this module you will:

  • Discover how the procedure list can “save your bacon” and help school get done even when days are hectic.
  • Learn about the three situations where a procedure list is the answer to your homeschooling problems.
  • See the procedure list in action with samples and a step-by-step break down of how to easily create your own.

Module #7

The Lesson Plan List

This module is the second of our two kinds of lists vital to auto-pilot success for our homeschools. The lesson plan list is your non-threatening friend who waits patiently when your regularly scheduled school day goes awry.

In this module you will:

  • Learn the true requirements behind teacher lesson plans and why you don’t need to make them as a homeschool mom.
  • See how to combine the procedure list with the easy lesson plan list to create a flexible outline for each subject on your course of study.
  • Dig deeper with the detailed lesson plan list — for those subjects that need a little more variety.
  • Discover what you should NEVER put on your lesson plan list in order to keep your plans flexible and accessible.

Module #8

Let’s get organized

Now that our plan is complete it is time to figure out exactly how we are going to put this plan into action. The first step of the process is to organize our materials.

In this module you will:

  • Discover Pam’s three favorite organizational tools for putting your homeschool year on autopilot (Pssst they aren’t going to trap you into a non-flexible system.)
  • Learn how to create assignments on the fly based on your kids’ actual progress without feeling ahead or behind your plan.
  • Communicate effectively with your kids and win buy-in because they know exactly what is expected of them every day — this makes your homeschool life run much more smoothly. And it works!
  • Get tips on staying on top of paper grading and the finished work spilling from binders and drawers.

Module #9

Visualization and Implementation

Beta testers called this module “worthwhile” and “helpful.” Now that we have our plan written and our space organized we are ready to put it to the test and see how it might run. And to do that we are going to try something a little bit different…

In this module you will:

  • Discover how a technique used by elite athletes to win medals can help a homeschool mom have a better homeschool plan.
  • Learn how to embrace natural rhythms and how to avoid the number one mistake homeschool moms make when implementing their annual schedules.
  • Find tips for juggling multiple kids in your school day — including how changing your thinking about one homeschool no-no can create calm in your day.

Module #10

Periodic Review and Maintenance

Auto-pilot must have regular maintenance in order to continue to function. That is where this final module comes in. Here we will discuss when and how to make sure our plan continues to work.

In this module you will:

  • Learn the one thing you do need to put on your calendar (finally!) to make sure your plan will continue to work.
  • Find a handy checklist that will walk you through how to evaluate if your plan is working.
  • Discover the one thing you should never do until a review day — it will save you a ton of lost time and money.
  • Get a handy reminder of one tool homeschool moms always forget (even me!) that can make your life easier in the long run.

Successful homeschool planning doesn't begin by searching the internet and making a list of all the things you can do. It begins by searching the faces across the breakfast table and making a list of all the things they need.

I was dependent on expensive teachers' manuals that never quite fit. They were either too hot or too cold and so I spent time tweaking. I felt frustrated because I knew I could do the planning. It just felt overwhelming, and I wasn’t sure where to start. Now, I have much more confidence approaching a new school year than I ever did before. We actually just had our best year, and I think it’s in part because my planning is more on target.


Get the skills and confidence you need

Learn to adapt any curriculum, activity, or idea to your children's strength and weaknesses.

Create a truly customized, unique-to-you homeschool plan.