Create a plan that finally works for you
Tap into consistent days that feel enjoyable and productive
And uncover the confidence that you are doing the right thing for your family
Regardless of time constraints, learning challenges, life curveballs,
or how many times you’ve started but fallen off track
And running a homeschool (with MULTIPLE
kids, to boot!) is a complete juggling act
Because on any given school day, you spend your time and energy…
Trying to get up early to get your day off right…
But often starting school later than you’d like…
Jumping into your content for the day...
Quieting down the noise and rambunctiousness…
Tending to your littlest at your feet…
Settling arguments and making sure no limbs are lost in the process…
Running off to an appointment while pushing to finish up a lesson
Trying to work independently with each kid while corralling a toddler
Working hard to get back on track with today’s lesson plan
Trying to keep kids' attention while they work at different paces
Making three meals a day for multiple people, and having the dishes to prove it
…Not to mention the actual TEACHING of the lessons, and the oodles of prep work that went into it… often for the day to hand you a whole new set of challenges that you hadn’t envisioned.
Worried you’re not doing enough
You’re no stranger to losing sleep at night, wondering if you’re ruining your kids. You know in your heart that homeschooling is best for them, but let’s face it - the buck stops with you – with homeschooling, you have no one else to blame if your kid doesn’t turn out. The world is watching and judging… and it is a ton of pressure. And then hearing those “you are enough!” mantras online today are only de-motivating and worsening the problem.
Having trouble sticking with one plan through the entire year
The beginning of the year is always fun and organized, but a couple months in, the wheels begin to fall off. Little things like dentist appointments or impromptu field trips leave you playing catch up and feeling discombobulated… and then you’re spending more time at the end of the day changing schedules and making new plans for tomorrow.
Needing a few extra hours a day… (it would do WONDERS!)
Between church, appointments, running errands, shopping, dropping and picking up kids to lessons and classes, choir and drama performances, youth group meetings, preparing home-cooked meals from scratch - including special diets due to health conditions - paying bills, keeping up with paperwork, being present with your husband, and making time for each individual kid… you’ve yet to find that little window of time to get ahead. Clearly, you don’t have time to sit and spin, and the messages that your brain is sending you don’t help with anything positive.
Feeling the pain of, “the longer I go, the harder it gets”
It’s as if that little voice keeps saying that the more you don’t get done in your home school, the more it’s all a failure, and the more the plan is worthless. (who invited that guy in, anyways?). But the truth is - as chaos erupts at home, more and more things feel out of control. You’ve done so much thinking and debating, wondering if you’re hurting your relationship with your kid, and ultimately you just don’t know what they need or what you need... And at the end of the day, there’s just So. Much. Second. Guessing.
This is not a pipe dream, I promise.
My families get these results
So how do you get there?
Having the right plan
Executing the plan
Staying consistent with the plan
Adjusting the plan
Enjoying the plan
This combination is the single greatest thing that quiets the voice in your
head, that organizes your life, and that makes every single day 10x easier.
The best plans don’t come to fruition
until they’re consistently and correctly implemented.
And that’s why so many well-intentioned moms, still fall off track
and feel like they need to start over.
Because what about when kids are sick and days are missed?
What about if one child is slower than another?
What about when one small lesson monopolizes your entire day?
And what about when an appointment arises or when there’s a quick change of plans?
When you have the right content plan AND execution plan
that work for you - all of this becomes obsolete.
I’ve taught hundreds of overwhelmed mamas out there how to do it.
And more importantly, how to keep doing it.
And I can’t wait to show you how now, too.
No more second-guessing, no more getting derailed and spinning out, no more uncertainty, no more late-night Googling, and no more year-end guilt.
and I know we don’t have long here because
you may need to either attend to whatever mysterious things your kids are getting into
or your eyes are about to tell you the day's come to an end, so I’ll keep this one as brief (but helpful!) as possible
“My homeschool day now has a structure that makes sense to me… and my planning time actually guides me, instead of distracting me. The first time I used Pam's planning method was the first year I didn't need to switch curriculum mid-year! Instead, I had a solid plan for moving our school year ahead, and a plan for making necessary adjustments.” - Iris
“I feel much more prepared for our days, not only in what we’re supposed to be doing but also when we fall off the bandwagon, it’s easy to pick right back up. It also works beautifully that the plans serve as the “records” as well. When we close out our year, I can easily record things by just going back through our plans and marking those things complete.” -Lindsay
“I'm so much more confident in my work now, and because of this I am not easily distracted by things (like switching curriculums or new resources). I’m not wasting my time anymore! I have also been able to plan my whole year and put it on autopilot. It’s having that clear overview because now I feel organized. I can pick up and go, and know what to take easily to homeschool on the road when we travel as a family.” - Liz
A 12-month journey of the most accessible, personalized, and life-changing support
Live Twice-Monthly Coaching with Pam Barnhill
“After working with Pam, I maintained that same steam throughout the entire year. Instead of having short bursts of energy like before, I was able to complete the entire year and sustain it…
I’m no longer thinking, did I do enough?” - Colleen
Here’s what you can expect after your 12-month mentorship:
It’s no secret: homeschooling is hard and takes a ton of time.
And the more kids you have, the harder it gets.
Having the right homeschool plan in place, and then actually implementing that plan means
your lives run smoother, your kids get better educated, and everyone enjoys the process more.
It’s time you start feeling good about what you accomplish during the day.
One without the other is like a library without any books.
Let’s break down your next 12 months and where you can expect
the most hand-holding support you’ve ever received
Stay true to your goals through the learned act of consistency. Timeline: Winter
WHY MOMS CAN NOT SKIP THIS PHASE: Consistent execution will positively change the work ethic in your home, it’ll make homeschool more efficient, and it builds confidence in your ability to homeschool well. It’s the secret to fewer arguments because your kids know what to expect and they feel more secure, it’s the answer to measuring progress and pinpointing problems because you have data, and it sends your children the right role model message of routine, familiarity, and commitment.
HOW IT WORKS: You’ll find confidence through consistency during your LIVE 6-part sessions alongside Pam and your Elevate community.
This phase was created for the busy mom - you’ll receive daily morning texts to confirm you’re on track for the day, followed by quick daily and weekly motivation boosts + strategies to implement that same day. Replays and recordings are added to your dashboard, so you always have this north star to come back to.
WHAT TO EXPECT: After completing this phase with the LIVE support of Pam and your fellow homeschool moms, you’ll feel loads more confident in how you start, teach, and complete your school day.
Falling off track is part of the game, but now you’ll have the tools to jump back into your routine to make progress, rather than excuses.
Use this highly-focused training to surge your school year.
Execute Phase Total Value: $199
“In spite of the military continually throwing a wrench in my plans, I’ve been able to create meaningful rhythms that get us through the tough times. I know where to place my focus when time is strained, and I know that small, smart choices over time lead to long-term success. I have freedom from second-guessing, and I don’t suffer from curriculum lust!” - Robin
“It gave me confidence and the determination to stick to the plan throughout the year, especially on hard days. I also love to read the goals I set at the beginning of the year and see that we've accomplished more than I thought.” - Laura
Plan out your entire school year with this hyper-focused phase… in a way that works for *your* family. Timeline: Summer
WHY MOMS CAN NOT SKIP THIS PHASE: Failing to plan is one of the biggest disservices any mom could endure. Not only is that not providing your kids with the most streamlined and pertinent material, but it gives you little direction on their education, it becomes harder to teach and get through the material, and prep-time leaks into your weekends and evenings.
Ultimately, without planning beforehand, it simply leads to the daunting messy grind of continually trying to play catch up.
HOW IT WORKS: You’ll plan your upcoming year using our proven Autopilot Planning System (which has helped THOUSANDS of moms to date).
Your phase includes three live sessions over a three-week span, where Pam will lead you through the LIVE Autopilot framework, so you have a workable and implementable plan for your entire year ahead. (No more needing to catch up and no more falling behind).
Replays and recordings are added to your dashboard!
WHAT TO EXPECT: Finish your summer feeling confident about your year ahead. Know that through good days, bad days, and even worse days, you have a tried and true PLAN that you can stick to - even when things go haywire, kids are sick, and days are missed. AKA, when life happens, you are equipped to tackle it.
*Save time and money throughout the duration of the year because you’re using time more effectively, you're getting through content easier, and you don’t need to splurge on extra things to untangle days or fill in gaps.
Everything you need for the year has been expertly designed into this phase.
Planning Phase Total Value: $199
“Well, this was a crazy year with a big move and other ongoing stressors and time suckers, and one thing I didn’t have to worry about was planning for school. As long as we just did the next thing when we were able and checked in with our main goals, we stayed on track”. - Ali
“I no longer spend my weekends planning for our next homeschool week! I have confidence that I’m meeting my kids' needs after carefully crafting individual goals. I’m better able to follow my kids' interests and break free of my box-checking tendencies.”- Laney
Tackling unique situations and setbacks via the personalized guest series Timeline: Fall
WHY MOMS CAN NOT SKIP THIS PHASE: Let’s face it - while we all start with the best intentions, goals, and visions - it’s guaranteed that you’ll run into unique setbacks throughout the day.
And instead of being alarmed when it happens, you’ll now have a support system to deal with those hard situations, problematic occurrences, and educational struggles.
HOW IT WORKS: Like everything you learn here - you will tackle ONE thing at a time. For every new topic, I’ll welcome a qualified expert to co-deliver the training needed on our call. Each topic is different, and putting yourself in a virtual room where you can ask specific questions to our expert teachers, coaches, and researchers, means you are overcoming stumbling blocks in real-time to better serve your kids' needs.
WHAT TO EXPECT: You’ll grow an arsenal of knowledge to provide the best teaching, care, and attention to your children. You’ll gain insights from experts to provide your family with the support they need. Here, you’ll jump on group calls regarding hyper-focused topics and situations where you are constantly heard, so you can gain confidence + clarity on how to troubleshoot and thrive in your classroom and home.
Troubleshoot Phase Total Value: $149
“I've been able to spend more time with my family on weekends instead of spending hours pouring over lesson plans and wondering what I was doing wrong. The support, training, and troubleshooting also remind me WHY we homeschool - we don't do it just because we want to keep our kids away from something out there in the world. We do it because we want to give our kids the tools to succeed in that world!" - Kelly
“I have kids with special needs, and life has been very overwhelming.
I just needed some hand-holding to help me see what I needed to do. Pam has been that and more for me” - Georgette
Continued support calls with Pam + access to a collaborative community. Timeline: Year
WHY MOMS CAN NOT SKIP THIS PHASE: Deep support is the fourth and final KEY element of a successful homeschool year. Because more often than not, you just need a community and a coach who gets it. Who truly understands the pressure of a homeschool day, and who is ready to talk it out to provide you freedom from chaos. Because let’s face it - you don’t have time for more trial and error; you need help when you need help, because nothing else is about to slow down and wait for you.
HOW IT WORKS: Not only will you have community access for the year with your fellow moms - but the true magic is in bi-weekly connection calls with Pam (that’s me!). I know how vital it is to have someone who cares and understands in your back pocket - and that’s why I promise to be that person for you. While connecting with my community has always been a core value, I can safely claim that I’ve never offered such availability and accessibility quite like this before.
Connect Phase Total Value: $249
“Homeschooling can be isolating - not just for the kids but for the moms! Pam has created one of the most wholesome groups of moms who are in the trenches with you, celebrating you daily, and offering up some of the best creative ideas when you need them.” - Courtney
“The community has been so valuable for support and ideas along the way. Much smoother days! I’m never feeling behind, and I’m not frustrated by scribbles all over my daily planner! I learned how to plan in a way that embraced flexibility and also kept my planner neat & tidy, which I didn't think was possible!” - Melinda
Created for the busy-bee mom (that’s you!) who is often in the car, headed to an appointment, or off to an activity… and is very much on the go. You can now access all workshops, training, and recorded support sessions wherever you are, and gain knowledge and empowerment throughout pockets in your day. This one is a game-changer for your ability to consume content.
This BRAND NEW live two-part workshop (scheduled in March) gives you a peek into how Pam runs her home and working from home while homeschooling. She will break down the systems, tools, routines, and reminders she uses to get things done as she answers your questions live. Only available through Elevate.
Help your kiddos learn independence through the task card masterclass (scheduled for May), where you’ll learn to create detailed and time-saving task cards. Learn who the task card system works best for, what to put on your cards, and how to adapt them to your needs... PLUS more access to Pam through a live Q&A session
On January 31 we'll start with your Execute Phase, where you will
Discover the mindset shifts you need to make to build a habit of consistency
in your homeschool. More than anything else a consistent homeschool
will help you have easier days, more buy-in from the kids, and a
feeling of confidence and success as a homeschool mom.
The true worth here far exceeds the tagged value of $1,044
And we understand that high investments - heck,
especially a four-figure number - may not be in the cards.
We also know that you’re fighting for your children's freedom and future
in an economy like none of us have ever seen before.
So I’ve packed more than EVER into this new (but proven!) year-long mentorship
And pulled the price tag down, so it has everything you need for the entire year.
That’s why, today, you can join
Elevate Your Homeschool
for only $497
Payment plans available!
The Pragmatic-Pam Promise
…But let’s face it - this program is deeply grounded in providing the best for your kid, so it’s 100% an investment in your children. Let’s call it a win-win.
Listen, I never want you to have buyer's remorse - that’s no fun. And I would never want you to have to pay for this if it’s not the missing link between you and a successful 365 days ahead.
That’s why I’m giving you an entire two weeks to check out the material, join our online community, and get started with the training before making a commitment. And after poking around and working through [qualification?], if you don’t think it’s as every bit of amazing as I’ve promised, and can’t see how our community and my support will improve your homeschool days - then shoot us an email to info@pambarnhill.com, where we’ll promptly hit refund on the entire transaction.
My goal is to welcome you into a space where everything immediately becomes easier - a space where you have the tools to plan, implement, and stay on track for an entire year of homeschooling. I can tell you this with confidence because it's a proven system, and it’s happening right now in our community. I cannot wait to see how your year ahead unfolds for you and your family!
And it’s by far the most underpaid one.
That’s why I created and structured Elevate the way I did - with proven curriculum phases
alongside an entire year of hand-holding support, so you can feel confident with a PLAN, and then
feel even more confident being able to execute that plan for the year ahead.
And I want to help you because not having the support you need is not allowing
you to be your best, nor is it allowing your kids be their best.
Today, while being respectful of limited family budgets, I want to put into
perspective the cost of not having the right support in place.
The cost of not getting through the content and lessons you’d hoped to by end of the day
The cost of derailed school days, unorganized curriculums, and day(s) long breaks
The cost of feeling constantly guilty and questioning if you’ve taught enough
The cost of constantly feeling tired, behind, frustrated, and defeated
The cost of stretching yourself too thin and getting lost in burnout
The cost of petering out and not finishing your year strong
The cost of children and spousal relationships suffering
The cost of continuing to spin, spiral, and worry
I share this because, while there is a small cost to our mentorship, so I can
continue adding resources and providing my coaching time to it -
It makes it a true realization that the cost of not having the support far outweighs its price.
We’ve made this mentorship as affordable as possible, so we can continue to support
your every need, and we cannot wait to lift you up inside the community.
Today's Sale Price - $497
Payment plans available!
“Before I joined, I was always trying to justify the cost. I just never realized what a game-changer this would be… I wish I would have understood sooner the amount of independence and absolutely-necessary confidence I was going to gain to be able to stick with this” - Heather
I’m Pam - a Christian homeschool mom of three and lover of sourdough bread (the more butter, the better). I cringe at glitter, I couldn’t ever read enough to fulfill my need for more books, and I’m the *unofficial* Type A in the household.
And ohhh my lanta - the road to finally becoming a confident homeschool mom has been a colorful mix of the best job in the world, the worst job in the world, the most difficult job, the most rewarding job, the most thankless job, and the most gratifying job. And often - it’s all of those at once. Maybe you can relate?
As homeschool moms, we have a ton of concerns. We tend to get wrapped up in knots about the darndest things. Things like what method do I most identify with, or which curriculum is going to make my life the easiest, or perhaps worst of all, the peer pressure — how do my kids compare to other kids their age? Truthfully, it’s never-ending. And especially in today’s world, where there are so many unwelcomed opinions and negative factors - it makes us second-guess everything.
I can speak to this all so freely because I know. I deeply resonate with all of the above.
And it’s not that I’ve found a magic pill to make this all go away, but it’s that I have the tools to manage, cope, and move forward. And I do so with confidence, calmness, and a strong connection with my children.
This is exactly what I want for you too, my friend.
Because having a homeschool plan in place and then actually implementing it… all while having the support you need in real-time - means your life runs smoother, your kids get educated, and everyone enjoys the process more.
It means more freedom for everyone - your kids, your spouse, and yourself.
If you’re with me, now’s a great time to let out a little sigh of relief, because tomorrow is about to look a whole lot different for you.
I’m so grateful that you’re here with us!
What Makes Elevate Your Homeschool Different?
Besides our evidence-based phases paired with an entire year of coaching with Pam (support, guest experts, and community)? :)
Listen, our goal isn’t to provide you with a year-long plan that anyone can plug in.
We go far beyond cookie-cutter schedules, themes, or structured days.
Instead, we focus on creating *your* unique PLAN (regardless the curriculum), then IMPLEMENTING the plan, then TROUBLESHOOTING and course correcting the plan… alongside deep support sessions with Pam throughout the year.
All so your next 365 days are the most incredible homeschooling days you’ve had as a mom. And I promise when you have one year of this under your belt, you’ll be able to take it and make every year thereafter better, too.
Having access to connect with Pam every single week for the entirety of the year is a unique opportunity that we’ve never offered before.
And while I’m no stranger to tight family budgets or single incomes, therefore knowing this isn’t an easy decision - I also know that the ones who have been able to invest, are the ones who are more committed, most motivated for change, and thus, who have the biggest transformations.
“It gave me the confidence as a homeschool mom and a concrete plan going into the year. It took things I was aware of as a public school teacher myself and showed how to apply them to the homeschool situation. I have incorporated morning time successfully, used various forms of scheduling, felt confident about my curriculum choosing process, and have benefited from setting goals for my child.” -Dawn
Know that this isn’t about making everything perfect
Because that’s just not reality!
Instead, it’s about having a plan in your day that works for you - one that you can
confidently lead your kids through, and one that you can reflect
on before bed, and feel good about how your day unfolded.
One that you can look back on twenty years from now when you’re kiddos are all grown…
And be so incredibly proud of who you see in front of you. <3
“I now have freedom in my homeschool to accomplish more...
I now have structure instead of just doing things willy-nilly.” - Ashley
Let's recap everything you'll gain inside Elevate:
Value - $1,044
Today’s Sale Price - $497
Payment plans are available
I’d like to honor you for a quick minute before we wrap up together
Because with the little time you have in your day
- and especially if you’re reading this late in the
evening while everyone else is sleeping -
You are still here reading this.
Please know that I see you.
And I so deeply resonate with your daily grind.
And while you lean into your days ahead, there’s one more
thing I’d like to share with you before you do.
And that’s today’s exact date next year.
Because, if you join Elevate Your Homeschool,
chances are your house will look and feel quite different by then.
It will look more peaceful, more in order, and more manageable.
It will be a place you are excited to bring education and inspiration to.
A place that invites connection, curiosity, and creativity for your kids…
And a place that oozes confidence for you.
And if you’re ready for all that…
Then I could not be more ready to welcome you inside.
Let's recap everything you'll gain inside Elevate:
Value - $1,044
Today’s Sale Price - $497
Payment plans are available
…Picture you and me on the final ragged page of a well-worn school notebook
But on that page, I’ve left you one final note about your year ahead…
I believe it’s more than just fate that brought you here.
Because for some time now, you’ve been seeking answers.
You’ve been wondering when it will get easier.
You’ve been wondering when you’ll find the time.
You’ve been wondering if you’ve been doing the right
things that your kids truly need.
The most beautiful part of this program is *not* that I’m going to create a
rigid plan and give you the script for your every move.
It’s not that I’m going to hand the answers over in a blanket statement
because “this is what works for most people.”
Instead, I’m going to give you the tools to make it work for you.
I’m going to give you the process and strategies to implement into your day.
And I’m going to give you the support you need, so come the end of the year,
you are so grateful for the progress you made.
Regardless of how stressful or unique your current home life is today.
I believe the greatest thing we have on earth at this very moment,
are the moments that we shape our children.
This is your opportunity to nix the self-doubt, remove the pressure of
overwhelm, and step into a more confident YOU.
The person your child needs today, and the person they will rejoice for 20 years from now.
Because the stronger your school year, the greater your impact.
I’ll be with you every step of the way.
©2023 Pam Barnhill Media, LLC.. All rights reserved.